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Progetti ALR Lorenzo Risolo

We need your support!
Choose one of our projects and donate.
Funding for a research project involving Italian centers AIEOP and centers of the pediatric rheumatology study group. 63 centers nationwide have joined the research.
In cura lontani da casa
Support for families that have to reach clinics far from home. Your support will provide a donation or reimbursement of air and train vouchers and immediate accommodation.
Un fiore per alr
Aid intended for families in serious economic difficulties facing the terminal part of their children's disease.
Per un sorriso in pił
Support for activities inside the hospital organized by volunteers who, daily, bring playful moments, fun and distraction from therapies.
20mila euro Tricase
Funding of a grant from 2015 to 2017 for assistance and research for the Hospital "G. Panico", in Tricase.
Minivan purchased by ALR for the transport of young oncologic patients.

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